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Crisis Response Plan

Berwick Elementary's Crisis Response Plan for visitors can be found here. (Microsoft word)

The Spanish version can be found here.


Crisis Response Plan-Visitors



Should there be a need to evacuate the school, parents must adhere to the following for the safety and well-being of all involved.





Follow office staff out of the building.

Find a safe location away from the building.

Gym (assembly)

Exit through either set of gym doors along the main hallway. Exit campus through the main doors of the school.

Do not attempt to take your child; children will not be released until an “all clear” is given.

Classroom (volunteers)

Cafeteria (lunch guests)

Playground (volunteers)

Follow the students as they exit the building.

You will remain with the students and teachers until an “all clear” is given.




Should there be a need to lockdown the school, parents must adhere to the following for the safety and well-being of all involved.





Lockdown with the office staff.

Do not make phone calls or send texts to anyone outside the school.

Gym (assembly)

Parents are to report to the stage or to the storage areas under the bleachers.

Do not attempt to take your child; children will remain in their lockdown location until an “all clear” is given.

Classroom (volunteers)

Cafeteria (lunch guests)

Playground (volunteers)

Lockdown with the students and teacher (if applicable). If you are in the cafeteria or on the playground, follow the students’ lead.

You will remain with the students and teachers until an “all clear” is given.


**If our students must be moved to a different location, parents will need to meet their children at the reunification site, which is Berwick High School.