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After Care Registration Form

You may get a blank form from the office or print one from this page.  

BES After School Care 2024-2025

General Information

Location: BES After School Care Program (ASC) is located in the Chorus Room.  The door to pick up students is across from the Berwick Public Library on Fourth St.  

Remind Group: Please sign up for the ASC Remind Group.  Either download the Remind app and enter the code @besaft (include the @). You may also join the ASC group without the app, text this code @besaft to 81010

Hours: Monday through Friday - 3:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. (on regular school days only, no ASC on Early Release Days)


·         $10 nonrefundable -one-time registration fee - per student, per school year.

·         Students that are not registered will not be allowed to stay in ASC until the necessary paperwork and fees are submitted.    

Student Fees:

·         All fees are due in advance! –All fees are due prior to, or on the first day a student attends for the week / month. Fee schedules will be given to parents at the beginning of the school year, and additional copies will be available in ASC as needed. Fees can be paid by the day, week, or month. Drop-in fees must be paid in advance or when the child is picked up. Any student account carrying a balance due, regardless of the amount, will not be allowed to attend ASC. Students will be sent to the office, and parents will be called to come and pick up their child.  Cash, Checks, and Money Orders are accepted.  No debit cards or credit cards are accepted. Please send payments in an envelope that is clearly labeled with the student’s name(s), After Care Payment, and the amount enclosed.

·          Checks are to be made payable to Berwick Elementary School.

·         If you child is considered full time in ASC, payments are due every Monday.

·         If your child is a drop in, the fee is due on the day they attend. 

·         Weekly reminders will not be given.  Please take care of payments on Mondays. 

·         Full payment is required for each day your child attends ASC – regardless of if he/she is picked up prior to 5:30 P.M.

·         Daily Fee: $5 per child, per day (includes juice and a snack).

·         Full time students charged a maximum rate of $25 a week for 1 child and $42 a week for 2 children,

$60 a week for 3 children.  The weekly rates run Monday – Friday of the same week. 

·         Late Pick-Up Fee: $5 (5:31 P.M. to 5:36 P.M.), per child, $1 per minute (beginning at 5:37 P.M.)

·         NSF Check: $10 per check – Future fees will need to be paid in cash.

Other Information:

  • There will a few days throughout the school year with no ASC.  These dates will be sent out as soon as possible.

·         Parents are responsible for all after school transportation.

·         No medicine will be administered by ASC personnel.

·         ASC is not a homework center, but we do our best to complete homework daily. However, there are times when we are not able to complete homework and appreciate your understanding with this matter. 

·         We try our best to provide a quiet place and time for students to complete homework; however, parents are asked to check their child’s homework at home. ASC personnel are not responsible for checking to make sure that work is completed or completed correctly. Students are not allowed to return to their classrooms for any items that were forgotten.  Please stress responsibility and the importance in packing correctly before leaving their classrooms. 

·         Our ASC Program was established to provide a safe, inexpensive, after school environment for our students whose parents’ work; therefore, any student who misbehaves in ASC will be subjected to the same disciplinary actions that would be taken during regular school hours.

·         Students may bring DVDs from home if they are rated G and are labeled with their name.  We also gladly accept donations of rated G DVDs if you have any that you are getting rid of.

·         Students can bring their own snacks (no candy or nuts of any kind or peanut butter due to allergies).

·         Students are not allowed to bring any toys at all.

·         Please notify us of any changes to contact information ASAP.

·         Please send a note to the homeroom teacher and Mrs. Kelly about any dismissal changes through Remind message or email – .

BES After School Care Program Registration Form 2024-2025

Registration form must be filled out completely by the parent or guardian and returned with-the
 $10 registration fee.  
                                                                            ($______) CK______ Cash_______ Date Paid___________

Student’s Name ______________________________________________________________

Birthdate _____________      Age ______         Gender_______                   Grade ________

Physical Address _____________________________________________________________

Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________

Parent’s Names and Contact Information:

Name__________________________ Employer: ___________________________

Phone – Home: ___________ Cell: ____________ Work: ___________ Other _________

Name___________________________ Employer: ___________________________

 Phone – Home: ___________ Cell: ____________ Work: ___________ Other _________

In case of an emergency, if parents cannot be reached, please contact:

Name____________________________________ Relationship to Child_________________

      Physical Address________________________________________________

      Phone – Home: ____________ Cell: ____________ Work: ___________ Other ________

Are there any medical problems/Allergies our staff should be aware of?

 Child’s Doctor___________________________ Phone Number______________________
Authorized Persons to Sign Out Student (other than above):


Relationship to Child

Phone Number













(*Additional names and phone numbers may be written on the back)

_____ My child will attend ASC full time.                        ______ My child will be a drop in at ASC.
     (*Please send a note to your child’s teacher if there are any changes to dismissal procedures.)
I have received and read a copy of the After School Care policies and agree to abide by them.

Parent Signature: ______________________________________ Date__________________