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PBIS School-Wide Expectations

School-Wide Expectations & pbis

1Positive Attitude:

  1. Make good choices.
  2. Listen carefully.
  3. Pay attention.
  4. Follow directions.
  5. Lunch behavior
  6. Line behavior
  7. PE/ Library behavior
  8. Bathroom behavior

2) Obey Rules:

  1. Keep hands, feet, objects and

unnecessary comments to yourself.

  1. Raise your hand to be recognized.
  2. Bring ALL materials to class.
  3. Recess behavior
  4. Talking out of turn
  5. Out of desk without permission

3) Work to Ability

  1. Do your best at all times.
  2. Class/group participation
  3. Complete ALL classwork in a timely manner.
  4. Be an active listener and participant.

4) Exhibit Respect with Your Words & Actions

  1. Follow adult instructions.
  2. Treat others with dignity.
  3. Interrupting teacher/adults
  4. Work quietly without disturbing others.
  5. Respect adults.
  6. Kind words to peers

5) Responsibility

  1. Be prepared for class.
  2. Complete ALL assignments.
  3. Bring necessary materials to class.
  4. Bring homework to class (missed

assignments will be highlighted).

  1. Have your planner/folder signed daily.

Minor Offenses: Examples include but are not limited to: disrespect, dress code, habitual violation of rules, homework, lying/cheating, rough play, willful disobedience

Major Offenses: Examples include but are not limited to: disrespect, bullying/threats, cheating/lying, defacing school property, fighting, profanity, stealing

The following consequences will be enforced: (a) Three minor offenses will result in a recess detention. (b) Three recess detentions will equal a major offense. (c) A major offense will result in either an after-school detention or suspension depending on the severity of the offense.

NOTE: A student can be sent directly to recess detention on the first offense depending on the severity of the infraction.



  1. The school wide discipline plan (SWDP) is modeled after the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) program, which is a requirement of the Department of Education.
  2. The SWDP contains positive rewards for appropriate behavior.
  3. All students, parents, and teachers will exhibit Panther POWER:

P: Positive Attitudes

O: Obey the Rules

W: Work to Ability

E: Exhibit Respect

R: Take Responsibility

  1. The goal of the SWDP is to provide a safe learning environment for all students to have a chance to succeed.
  2. Disruptions of the learning process or behaviors that have an impact on the safety of others can result in an immediate office referral.