PBIS School-Wide Expectations
School-Wide Expectations & pbis
1) Positive Attitude:
2) Obey Rules:
unnecessary comments to yourself.
3) Work to Ability
4) Exhibit Respect with Your Words & Actions
5) Responsibility
assignments will be highlighted).
Minor Offenses: Examples include but are not limited to: disrespect, dress code, habitual violation of rules, homework, lying/cheating, rough play, willful disobedience
Major Offenses: Examples include but are not limited to: disrespect, bullying/threats, cheating/lying, defacing school property, fighting, profanity, stealing
The following consequences will be enforced: (a) Three minor offenses will result in a recess detention. (b) Three recess detentions will equal a major offense. (c) A major offense will result in either an after-school detention or suspension depending on the severity of the offense.
NOTE: A student can be sent directly to recess detention on the first offense depending on the severity of the infraction.
- The school wide discipline plan (SWDP) is modeled after the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) program, which is a requirement of the Department of Education.
- The SWDP contains positive rewards for appropriate behavior.
- All students, parents, and teachers will exhibit Panther POWER:
P: Positive Attitudes
O: Obey the Rules
W: Work to Ability
E: Exhibit Respect
R: Take Responsibility
- The goal of the SWDP is to provide a safe learning environment for all students to have a chance to succeed.
- Disruptions of the learning process or behaviors that have an impact on the safety of others can result in an immediate office referral.